

So writing about purpose and having a chat with a new friend I met at the hospital waiting room two days ago got me thinking and for the sake of anonymity, we would be calling my new friend “Jack”.

You see Jack has always wanted to work in a hospital and he finds himself doing just that now but he works long hours and feels that he is not earning enough money right now or at least compared to his friends he isn’t… and as I sit and listen to Jack, a million thoughts begin to flow through my mind and I immediately begin to talk to Jack about the importance of doing what he really loves to do.

Jack went on to tell me about a family friend who worked in a job he absolutely hated for many years but made a whole lot of money; he feels the guy is better off and Jack is now considering the option of leaving his current job which he loves for a better paying job but with much less satisfaction and here is the picture that came to my mind.


We get to spend a lot of time at work and our relationships and the level of satisfaction at work has a trickle-down effect on other areas in our lives and I cannot help but think that so many times, we make such important decisions based on the influence of money, peer pressure, pride, fear of the unknown, prestige, fear of what people would think or say…  Seeing that we spend a lot of our time at work, it is important that we find the right balance between the monetary, personal and career satisfaction.

The question is, are you willing to trade your happiness, personal & career satisfaction for any of these things? True fulfilment can only come from within, having a dream, knowing what you want and following that path, not by doing what everyone else is doing.

It is important to state here and now that sometimes, when you make a personal decision to do something you love which gives personal satisfaction over immediate monetary satisfaction for example, the situation would not automatically look rosy; most often than not, it would require you to make sacrifices and at such times you may begin to look at the world from “Jack’s point of view” thinking everybody is having a better life than you and earning more money but just a little while, with patience, hard-work, dedication, focus, faith and prayers, you would end-up just where you have always wanted to be.

Proverbs 3:5-6 reads “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, in all your ways acknowledge him and he would direct your path”. God is interested in every aspect of your life and taking your career decisions to God in prayer always helps.

Focus on what you believe in, work hard at it, stick with it and watch it grow beyond your expectations. Set yourself apart and see how your distinctiveness works for you, ushering in true fulfilment.

God bless!!!