I walk around as one blindfolded,

One who knows not where to go,

One who is unsure of an uncertain journey,

One who knows not how these bits and pieces would fit together,

One who knows not how this puzzle called life would be solved.


A new door opens at the break of dawn,

Oh! The excitement it brings, the joy of the new,

The excitement of what seems like an answered prayer,

Life is good!!!


Then slowly, it begins to get blurred,

Things begin to happen; so unexpected, so unwanted,

Oh no! I had thought I made the right decision,

Did I make a mistake? Oh no!


My heart begins to beat faster,

The excitement begins to wane,

Slowly, excitement gives way to fear and worry.


Ouch! That just felt like my head bump against the wall,

It hurts badly!

Do I turn around or just go in a different direction?

Ouch! That still hurts.


I had hoped it was a new dawn,

But now I walk around in uncertainty,

I walk around as one blindfolded,

The only thing I have guiding me is faith,

So I hang on tight, not letting go of faith.


I walk around as one blindfolded…