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Keep Moving

Many times in life, we find ourselves sitting on really big dreams, great ideas, and life changing desires to change the world. We feel like we have enough energy within us to save planet earth and any other planet out there that needs protection. At least, this is how we start out until reality starts to bite!

superman    right arrow    fallen super man

We begin to face hurdles, the road starts to seem unclear and perhaps, even dark.  We start to doubt our initial zeal, and think, how did I ever even believe I could do that in the first place?

You look around you and maybe everyone else seems to have the ‘oh so perfect and easy life you so dream of’ and maybe at some point, you just want to throw in the towel and say, I give up! Tempting? Oh Yes! But is that really the right decision? Maybe not.

One of the most difficult things in life is being consistent; continuing in the midst of adversity, pushing harder when you are going against the tide, making that extra high jump when you have another hurdle to cross, giving that extra push when you feel like you just cannot go any further, and just simply taking that extra step!!!

In the end, what makes the difference is your staying power.  What differentiates you from the next person is how you were able to overcome that obstacle, and what gives you a story to tell is the journey! Keep moving; don’t stop because you are an overcomer!!!!!

freed superman