

Jeremiah 29:11

Have you ever made a decision that you were 100% sure about in the beginning, only to get halfway and begin to question if you actually heard God correctly? Better still, have you ever found yourself saying to God, “If you had shown me the full picture, and told me it was going to get this hard, I never would have started?” Hands raised!

Maybe you just changed jobs, and want to give in because you are finding it difficult, or you just moved to a new city and think you made a mistake because you are struggling to settle down or you made a decision to start a business, but you want to close the doors because things are a bit tough right now. 

Whatever it is, Jeremiah 29:11 says that God knows the plans that He has for you! Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. It might not look like it right now because of the challenges you are facing, and you might feel like giving up and jumping out of the situation. 

But, what did God say to you? What is God saying to you personally? You need to stay the path that God has given to you and keep your focus on Him. It might feel a bit scary and uncertain, and you might be unsure about the next steps, but you need to stay the path. You need to keep listening to His instructions at every step. If you heard God, chances are that He will not change His mind because a few bumps have appeared along the road. While you are shocked by the bumps, God is in no way surprised. In fact, He knows the end from the beginning, and through that process, He will build your character, resilience, and trust in Him. He will be with you in that situation and help you to grow through the process to bring you out on the other side. 

Now, I do not know what that process will look like for you because God works with us in different ways, and I do not know what the particular outcome will be. But this I am sure of – that His thoughts towards you are thoughts of good and not of evil to bring you to an expected end. So, stay the path.

