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Why did I do it? Because we can inspire children to put empathy into action every day, showing them how to shine their light in a world that desperately needs it. Writing is a gift that empowers me to tell stories so I can contribute to the world by making a difference in my little corner.

Every little act of kindness helps children to feel seen, heard, accepted, remembered and loved. Children learn by example, and by showing them how to lead with compassion, gratitude, kindness, courage, acceptance, and love, they can know how to do the same.

Let Your Light So Shine shows children how to put empathy into action daily by being kind with their words and actions, sharing with others in need, standing up for a friend who is being bullied, holding out a helping hand, accepting our diversity, and being courageous.

Through a collection of short stories and beautiful illustrations, this book demonstrates the power of humanity and helps children build social and emotional life skills and values that can help them contribute to making the world a better place.

Children can come together to listen, care for others, improve their schools and communities, contribute to societal problems and be of service to others. That, my friend, is the power of our shared humanity!

Click on the link below for more information about this book and how it supports children across the world.